Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Anne of Green Gables

I just finished Anne of Green Gables again.

Was it my third or fourth time reading it?  I don't remember.  But I do remember that every time it has been the copy that my grandma gave to my mother who gave it to me.  When I open the cover, I always lean in close to catch a hint of that subtle smell of the pages that immediately floods my mind with memories.  No e-reader will ever compete with that.

Often, when I am reading over something I have just written, I'll say to myself, "Well, it's not literary genius, but it will do."

Anne of Green Gables is literary genius.  The words and images dance across the page in such a way that I'm only brought back from the vivid images in my minds eye by the thrill I feel in my heart at reading words so nicely put together.  I stare at the black type on white paper and wonder how L.M. Montgomery managed to do it.  I smile and shake my head, then dive back into Avonlea life, the beauty of Prince Edward Island, and the company of characters that live and breathe there.

Today has been kind of a rotten one for me.  Josie, who attended only two days of kindergarten before coming down with a fever and cough, was home again today.  This was day five of the illness.  Kimball came home from football practice yesterday with swollen and sore ankles that cannot be explained by any trauma.  They were still sore and swollen today.  I will take him to the doctor tomorrow immediately following Isaac's appointment with his ophthalmologist that will most likely bring the news of another eye surgery.  Evan brought home a letter yesterday that required my signature for him to participate in the Gifted and Talented reading program at school.  My heart skipped, soared, and danced at the thought that Evan's reading problems were finally at an end.  I felt in awe that all the hard work at home was paying off to such an extent.  My more judicious side emailed his teacher this morning to ask what was up.  The response came back that Evan was reading at grade level but it would probably be wise to keep him in class and not send him to G/T.  The G/T list had been made up from only one particular test result when many must be taken into consideration. I am still awaiting one more email before I have to talk to Evan about it.  It has been this news that has upset me the most.  I have to admit it--I cried.

And so tonight, when all the kids were asleep I fled to Green Gables.  I was near the end of the book and so ignored my bedside clock and finished it.  In the book, as in life, tragedy strikes and life goes on.  There is still beauty and laughter and happiness.  I know I did not experience real tragedy today and I am grateful for the good moments...Coloring with Josie on the floor of the basement.  Our books side by side in the rectangle of sunlight that lay on the carpet.  We found a word search on one of the pages that she was eager to do.  I love word searches.  There are tricks to be taught if one hopes to find the words swiftly.  Josie learned quickly and was proud that she completed the whole thing.  I watched her complete her first word search before she could read most of the words.   Yes, that was grand.  And, Isaac--without any prompting, he drew a picture of his dad at work.  It is the first time I've seen him draw anything close to a person that was recognizable.  Great job, little man, I can definitely see the resemblance.  And, the sight of that paper waiting on Daddy's nightstand for him to find when he comes home tired from work truly makes me smile.  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. love! i think we're kindred spirits, ambra. stay hopeful.
